Q: Which stock exchange is Hitron traded on?
A: Hitron shares were listed on Taiwan stock Exchange(TWSE) on September 11, 2000, under TWSE code “2419”.
Q: What is the Hitron’s fiscal year?
A: Our fiscal year end is December 31.
Q: Whom may you contact for Hitron common shareholder?
A: If you have any questions concerning your common shares, please call Registrar Agency
Department of Capital securities Corp.
Tel: +886-2-27023999
Website at https://www.capital.com.tw
Alternatively, you may also contact Hitron Investor Relations Division
Tel: +886-3-5786658
Email: ir@hitrontech.com
Q: What is Hitron’s historical dividend payout?
A: The information is available at the Dividend Information.